Thursday, November 10, 2011

About The Poultry Farming And You Blog

Most blogs or webpages about poultry farming doesn’t go into details. They tend to treat the whole topic under one page. But this blog, The Poultry Farming and You is dedicated to the in and out of poultry farming especially the chicken aspect. It will teach beginners from A –Z what is involved and will also serve as a reminder and updater to already established professional in the business. It’s a blog with growing pages that will treat each topic concerning poultry farming on a separate page. It will also be kept short to allow ease in learning. Pictorial explanations will be added later.
Because I value your opinion, Please feel free to add your comment in the comment box provided. I will also want to implore you not to be offended if your comment is deleted if found to be off topic.
Overview Of Poultry Farming
Poultry farming could be described as the practice of rearing of birds for the purpose of meat or egg production. The birds can be chicken, Turkeys, geese or Ducks.

Millions of birds are been raised for the purpose of egg and meat productions around the world. In fact Poultry product accounts for larger percentage of our daily protein found in our diets. The most popular amongst poultry farming is chicken rearing. Although I haven"t carried out a world wide research but chicken rearing appears to be most exploited in the poultry farming world. Chicken Poultry farming for eggs and meat is the most popular in Nigeria compared to other birds of poultry.
This blog therefore will teach beginners or those willing to go into poultry business how to do poultry farming both for small scale and commercial farming.
Part of what we will talking about will include brooding of chicken from day one, proper selection and egg production.
The economical advantage of poultry farming, the risk and gain will also be treated in detail. All practical methods at my disposal shall be discussed as the pages of this blog increases. Keep in touch

Table Of Content

About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Poultry Housing

Types Of Poultry Housing

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