Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chicken And The Environment

Chicken And The Environment
For chicken to have and ideal environment, it will be combination of temperature, ventilation, housing, air composition and relative humidity. As regard temperature, the best environment for birds should have a temperature in the range 21-26 degree Celsius. The environment influences the performance of the bird and consequently has an effect on final result. The effects of temperature and ventilation on the bird's performance would be clearly seen if temperature range is not between 21-26 degree Celsius. This is because birds react differently when expose to temperatures above or below the thermo neutral zone. The thermo neutral zone is 21-26 degree centigrade. If your farm is in the tropics you must make sure of the following;
  • The birds are well kept under a shady place at all times
  • For the roofing of their housing, do not use iron sheet. If you would, make sure it is painted white and preferably close to where a tree can shadow it.
  • Provide plenty of ventilation and use open-shaded shed with windbreaks. If possible, white wash all the structures outside.
  • To reduce house temperature and humidity, maintain good water intake
  • High rise house are cooler than deep litter houses. Houses should be open-sided with shady trees planted along the longer sides
  • The roofing must be of asbestos sheet and not corrugulated iron sheet.
  • Water tanks must be painted with white paint and well covered.
  • Fans can be installed to assist in temperature cooling within the poultry house.
  • Ice blocks inside water could help bring down the temperature of the water and consequently the temperature of the birds.
  • Use of sprinklers and foggers will assist in bringing down the temperature of the poultry house.
  • Use vitamin electrolyte rich in vitamin C, E and K.

Effect of high temperature

High temperatures are observed between January and March and also between November to December. During this period, temperature could range between 29 degree and 30 degree centigrade. This period is characterized by incidence of diseases such as Newcastle, fowl typhoid; gumboro etc. birds react to high temperature in the following ways:
  • Increased respiration shown by panting and opening of mouth
  • Increased in their hearth beat.
  • Increase blood flow to skin, face, wattle and comb.
  • Sharp drop in blood vitamin C level during hot period.
  • Reduced fertility in breeders
  • Increased susceptibility to disease due to drop in vitamin C level.
  • Pecking will increase among the birds.
  • Mortality rate will also increase if not controlled.

    Heat equally has effect on the eating habit of the chicken. It is worthy of note to mention here that, "the amount of feed to be consumed by your birds is determined by the energy content of the feed". The higher the energy content, the lower is the feed to be consumed.
    However when there is a rise in temperature, feed intake by your chicken will drop, it becomes reasonable therefore that a lower energy diet in a hot environment will allow your birds to consume more feed than a higher energy diet. However, in reducing or increasing energy diet, the appropriate level of protein and vitamins must be taking into consideration. As a fact the energy protein ration of the diet is to be your yard stick. The farmer must maintain the energy protein of the feed between 150 and 155 in hot periods for laying birds.

    Heat effect does not stop at the eating habit of the birds. It also has an effect on the production. The following are the effect of heat on production.
  • Reduced feed intake
  • Increased feed conversion ratio
  • Reduced growth size
  • Reduced egg size
  • Reduced egg production and finally
  • Thin shell increases.





Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brooding Techniques

Brooding TechniquesSo far we have discussed about where to get our day old chicks, how and when to transport them to the poultry farm site. We had also talk about preparations to receive the day old chicks, how to manage litter, water and feed management amongst others. Now here comes the tricky part, brooding techniques. But first what is brooding techniques?

Brooding is the practice of exposing chicks to conducive environment before they are capable of fully regulating their body temperature. Brooding technique is one of the valuable skills a poultry farmer must acquire because; the success of the poultry farm begins with the brooding stage. On arrival of the day old chick to the farm house, the brooder house is already preheated as discussed from our previous lessons. The drinkers are filled with water and the feeder is filled with feed. The day old chicks are now transferred to the brooder house. This is usually a gentle and delicate exercise. Therefore, one must avoid damage or excessive stress on the chicks. The first thing you do after the exercise is to give them water only. Do not feed them immediately. Allow about two to three house after the day old chicks are transferred to the brooder house before feeding them.

Availability of thermometer in the brooder house will help the farmer to monitor the temperature of the brooder house which should be between 32 – 33 degrees Celsius. Under the brooder house itself and about 29 degree Celsius at the spectrum end of the brooder house. The temperature under the brooder house should be regulated on a weekly basis at the rate of 2.8 degree Celsius per week until the brooder temperature attains about27 degree Celsius which at standard temperature under normal conditions. This is usually achievable under 21 days in the tropics.

For good brooding, be guided by recommended capacity of brooder house. But usually, do not place more than 750 chicks per hover. For temperature generation and control, you can use two lantern per 500 birds or 1 charcoal pot per 500 chickens.

Expanding floor space

As the birds grow, they breathe and generate heat from the mouth as well as through their drop[igs. This will in turn overload the overall heat in the brooder. Therefore, there is need to expand and create more space for the chicks. Beside overcrowding of chicks, inadequate space may induce vice habit among the birds such as pecking which must be discouraged.


Chick's temperature requirement

As the chicks grow, the temperature requirement varies. Adequate help the chicks to achieve excellent rearing as it encourage good feathering of the bird.

The table below shows recommended brooding temperature

Period (weeks)Temperature (c)Temperature (f)


Before attain age of two weeks, always ensure strict adherence to the temperature range. At this stage, they cannot adjust to wide range of temperature fluctuations on their own.

After two week the chicks will start regulating body temperature due to hormonal secretion, feathering and increased physical activities. By then the chickens would have started eating large quantity of feed and by 5-6 weeks, the body would have be totally covered by feathers. At this stage, heating should be discontinued. This period could however be shortened if brooding is taking place during the dry season (between November and March)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Litter, Water And Feed Management

Litter, Water And Feed Management

Litter Management

Litter management is a very important aspect of poultry farming. It takes part in temperature regulation of the poultry house and could also abhor diseases if not manage properly. It is therefore mandatory to take the following point account.
Fresh shavings that will be used for the poultry housing must be dried and friable. Avoid introducing wet or damp shavings into brooder house.
Avoid the use of saw dust as this may cause respiratory problems among the chicks.
Avoid the use of wet or cracked litter as this type of litter conducive to outbreak of coccidiosis
A way of accessing a good litter with a better quality, when pressed together between your palms, should stick together slightly and break as the hand is released. While a wet litter with excessive water will form a ball when pressed together between your palms.
Importance of litter in temperature regulation for day old chicks
The importance of litter in temperature regulation of day old chicks cannot be over emphasis because litter is important in the regulation of floor temperature in the brooder house and consequently the chicken body temperature. On arrival of the chick from hatchery to the farm, the litter temperature should be approximately 30 degree centigrade. So that when the day old chicks are off loaded from the carton to the brooder house, they will be under normal condition they are supposed to be. Don't be surprise that your chick performance and liveliness depends on the temperature of the litter and brooder house.


Water And Feed management

Somewhere somehow, your poultry will never survive without water. It is in fact the most important element in the survival of your poultry farming. It is not an overstatement to say that the farmer itself will not survive without water. So it is obvious that the availability of water is crucial an a important factor in poultry performance because of the following reasons:
  • Chicken body is made up of 55-75% of water in content
  • Water is needed by the chick in regulating their body temperature
  • Even an egg is made up of 60-65% of water
  • The feed consumed by the birds, dissolves in water for easy absorption into their body system
  • Blood itself is made up of 70% of water
  • Finally water is the most appropriate medium for administering drugs to the chicken.
  • If you starve birds of water for 3 days, they will go into moulting resulting in drop production
  • For every gram of feed eaten by chicken, it will need 2-3ml of water
  • Supply clean, cool and fresh water as temperature increases
  • If you do not supply enough water it will affect the growth rate of the birds
  • Avoid water spillage on the litter. Place water trough on raised flat planks.


    As for feeding the chicks, take note of the following:
  • High quality feed is the best to start your chicken. Therefore get quality feed.
  • Supply day old chick with feed on chick trays or flat feeders.
  • Ensure that there is sufficient feeder and space to ensure proper feeding among the chicken. This will lessen competition and all chicks can grow at almost same rate.
  • Usually start with 3 birds per 10cm for trough feeder and 25 birds per hanging feeder of 18kg.
  • Do not waste feed. This is because the profitably of the business is also directly proportional to this.
  • Do not fill the feeder to full level as this may cause wastage up to 25%. The best way is to fill the feeder to one-third full
  • Adjust feeder weekly to the level of the back of the bird.



    The table below is a guide to feed and water administration for 1000 birds

Age(in weeks)Feed Consumption(Kg)daily Water(liters)daily
1 12 3.4
2 20 7.6
3 27 11.4
4 40 14.8
5 50 18
6 60 20.8
7 62.5 24
8 67.5 27
9 70 30
10 72.5 34
11 73.5 37
12 75 42
13 78.5 42
14 78.8 42
15 80 42
16 80 42
17 85 42
18 85 42
Point of Lay 105 42

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Day Old Chicks On Your Farm

The Day Old Chicks On Your Farm
Day old chicks Handling
After proper transportation, the day old chicks are expected to arrive in an already prepared farm site. As regarding the preparation of the farm site, the farmer s should be prepared for the reception of the day old chicks 4-6 weeks before the arrival of the chicks. This is a rule of thumb. If you want to be successful in poultry business, the basis is to give your birds a good start. So, before the arrival of the day old chicks to your farm, the following procedure is advisable to follow:
All equipment should be cleaned to include the brooder house and it’s environment. They should be disinfected against all form of diseases and possible carry over from previous cropping.
The brooder house should and equipment should be washed with high pressure machine and any form of manure found in around the poultry house should be store away from the brooder house.
Rat and lizards are carriers of dangerous diseases to your birds. You should eliminate them from the surrounding. They are also capable of competing with your day old chicks during feeding and consequently wasting your feed.
Make any necessary repair on the poultry house structure before the arrival of the day old chicks. Clean, disinfect all feeders, tanks and drinkers.
Make sure your brooder house is prepared to receive the chicks. 6 hours prior to the arrival of the chicks, preheating of the brooder house must have begin. If the period is rainy season, the farmer should commence preheating of the brooder house 9-12 hours before the arrival of the day old chicks. This will ensure that shavings are warm and the environment /air temperature is conducive for the day old chicks. Temperature on arrival must be in the range of 32-35 degree Celsius.
Make sure the shavings in the brooder house are spread out evenly as an uneven liter create uneven pockets of temperature, which may cause grouping of chicks to hide, depriving themselves of feed and water. Wood shavings are good liter material while maize cobs could also be used.
Provide clean water at room temperature before delivery. Use one drinker of 3-4 liter capacity per 50 day old chicks.
Do not close completely the brooder house. Allow limited fresh air into the brooder house. Use your thermometer and behavior of the chicks as guide to regulate aeration.
Brooder house should be isolated. No easy access should be allowed from just anybody. This is important because it help reduce disease outbreak that may be transferred by visitors’ shoes. If you will allow access to it by some visitors, make sure they are disinfected before allowing them to access your brooder house. The usual practice is all in, all out allows for proper clean up in the event of a disease outbreak.

Remember chicks are just like babies to farmers. Give them a good treatment and a good start as success of your poultry farm largely depends on how you care for the chicks.
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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

How To Transport Day Old Chick

How To Transport  Day Old Chick
Transporting the Day Old Chicks
After sourcing for the chicks, the farmer has to look for means of transporting the chicks to his/her farm. Transportation of day old chick from hatchery to farm site has to be done in the proper way to reduce or eliminate mortality during transits. Day old chicks are very tender and must be handle with care. That’s why you will hear some farmers calling them babies.
Transportation of day old chicks is usually done by parking the chicks in perforated carton of 50 chicks per carton with extra 1-2 chicks added to compensate in case of any mortality. Remember that the carton to be used must be perforated to prevent the chicks from suffocation. After the proper packaging of your day old chicks, it will be time to transport them down to your farm which you must have prepared to receive the chicks. More light on preparation of your farm for reception of day old chicks in the next topic.

The day old chicks are usually transported in a well aerated vehicle which is the ideal for this purpose. This is done with closer supervision of the chicks and the timing must be right. You may say what timing? Yes you don’t just transport your chick any time. You will have to transport them when the weather is friendly for them. Not in hot sun. The practice is usually very early in the morning or evening time when the sun must have set. Part of what you should also consider also include the post transportation care that has to be giving to your day old chicks. Usually mortality during transits should not be more the 0-02% of the whole stocks. This figure may vary because numbers of mortality during transportation is also a reflection of the quality of the chicks.

Below are the precautions you must observe during transportation of day old chicks
Any close vehicle such as car, buses etc. are not ideal for transportation of day old chick. Use a vehicle that has free air circulation- a well aerated vehicle is the ideal
Avoid the use of trucks as this will cause excessive stress and high mortality to the day old chicks
Just has been said earlier, transport the chicks during favorable whether i.e. when the weather is cold. Either early in the morning or late in the evening. Over the years’ experience had shown that day old chicks should not arrive farm between 12 noon and 4 pm.
During the transportation of the chicks, go straight to the farm. Avoid unnecessary stop over on the way while transporting during the day.
Look for the shortest route to the farm and a good road to your farm site.

If you do a proper transportation by observing the points above, you will be able to reduce mortality to the barest minimum. Otherwise’ if you allow your day old chicks to undergo excessive stress, the opposite is the effect
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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

How And Where To Source For A Day Old Chicks

How And Where To Source For A Day Old Chicks
Sourcing For day Old Chicks
This is a very crucial aspect of poultry farming. The type of chicks you stock on your farm will determine the profitability after all other reasonable conditions are followed. Chicks are truly different and sourcing for a good one involves special techniques or knowledge of where the chicks originate from. This however starts from identifying your hatchery of choice. That means the hatchery where you intend to get your day old chicks from. A very close attention should there be paid to the following points.
Identify Hatchery of Choice
It is advisable that a farmer without prior knowledge of a particular hatchery to allow their vetinary consultant to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the hatchery before choosing the hatchery as the source for their day old chicks. This type of investigation by the vetinary consultant usually contains the following important information.
Whether the hatchery has its own breeder farm where eggs for their hatchery ate sourced.
whether the hatchery gathers eggs from different farms for hatching in their own hatchery to be hatched out
whether the hatchery has a very comprehensive history of vaccination programme for breeders from where broods are to be hatched
A reliable hatchery will also be able to provide its customer with performance guide as well as efficiency information about annual performance of their stock.
Such information include:
Average fertility in relation to the batch from where the chicks are going to be hatched out
Information about the batch fertility as well as the hatchability estimate of the stock.

In addition to the above crucial points, investor should not at a time lay emphasis on the cost of the day old chick when they want to purchase. The emphasis should be truly based on quality of the chick as this is far more important and crucial to the success of the poultry farm at the long run. It’s also important for the investor to have knowledge and be current about the information regarding the vaccination profile of the chicks received from hatcheries. This should include evidence of vaccination for Newcastle intraocular and marek disease. In most cases, the hatchery will issue to you certificate of vaccination (that means the vaccination the batch already received) and a further vaccination guide that you are expected to continue with on your farm to achieve the very best result .

As a farmer, the following are the characteristics you should look out for in a healthy day old chicks when purchasing your chicks.
The chick should be alert and lively
The chicks should be free from any obvious deformity such as
-crocked beak
-missing eye
-crossed beak
-red hock
-small chick
-sticky down
-omphalities and many more
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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Objective setting for growers and layers

Objective setting for growers and layers
Setting Objectives For Growers and Layers
At every stage in your poultry business, setting objectives is very important. You have just learned about housing the birds so it’s high time to set objectives from one stage to the other. As the growers tend to move into laying periods, the investor must set an objective which the labor force is expected to adhere to. It is a blue print of how the operation of the farm should run so as to have the expected end. This should captured the management of the chicks from the very first day they will be arriving at your farm to the very last they would leave your farm.It is therefore worth stating that without adequate training of workforce, it could be difficult for them to understand the reason why those objectives were set and consequently they don’t adhere to it. Anyway if you are running a small farm and you intend to do the works yourself you are obliged to adhere to the objectives you have to set. This should not leave out you getting training and staying updated about the trends in the poultry world.

A layer objective must cover the following:
Livability on monthly basis
Age at 50% hen day production(that means when only 50% of the birds are laying)
Hen house X performance to 52weeks
Feed consumed per bird per day
Feed consumed per dozen of eggs on a monthly basis
It is one thing to set objective, while it is another thing to achieve the set objectives. It is therefore mandatory to come up with strategies you would use in achieving your set objectives. It’s your business. Every business do have their set objectives, the goal they aimed at and a management practice to achieve those objectives.
For you to know the performance of chick, grower or layer, you can apply this simple equation:
P = f(Q+D+E+H+Mgt)
Where Q = Chicks/breed quality
D = Dietary Level
E = Environment and Housing
H = Health
Mgt = Management practice and personnel level of training
At this point it should be very obvious to you that proper documentation of events on the farm will be very crucial to achieving any set objective as this will reveal what as been done and what as not been done. I leave the management issue to you to decide because it’s your business. But please consider the objectives listed above in your management.
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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Objective setting for growers and layers

Setting Objectives For Growers and Layers
At every stage in your poultry business, setting objectives is very important. You have just learned about housing the birds so it’s high time to set objectives from one stage to the other. As the growers tend to move into laying periods, the investor must set an objective which the labor force is expected to adhere to. It is a blue print of how the operation of the farm should run so as to have the expected end. This should captured the management of the chicks from the very first day they will be arriving at your farm to the very last they would leave your farm.It is therefore worth stating that without adequate training of workforce, it could be difficult for them to understand the reason why those objectives were set and consequently they don’t adhere to it. Anyway if you are running a small farm and you intend to do the works yourself you are obliged to adhere to the objectives you have to set. This should not leave out you getting training and staying updated about the trends in the poultry world.

A layer objective must cover the following:
Livability on monthly basis
Age at 50% hen day production(that means when only 50% of the birds are laying)
Hen house X performance to 52weeks
Feed consumed per bird per day
Feed consumed per dozen of eggs on a monthly basis
It is one thing to set objective, while it is another thing to achieve the set objectives. It is therefore mandatory to come up with strategies you would use in achieving your set objectives. It’s your business. Every business do have their set objectives, the goal they aimed at and a management practice to achieve those objectives.
For you to know the performance of chick, grower or layer, you can apply this simple equation:
P = f(Q+D+E+H+Mgt)
Where Q = Chicks/breed quality
D = Dietary Level
E = Environment and Housing
H = Health
Mgt = Management practice and personnel level of training
At this point it should be very obvious to you that proper documentation of events on the farm will be very crucial to achieving any set objective as this will reveal what as been done and what as not been done. I leave the management issue to you to decide because it’s your business. But please consider the objectives listed above in your management.
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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Site Selection And Poultry House Construction

Site Selection And Poultry House Construction
Layer/Broiler site selection and project execution
Now is time to build a site for our poultry. During site selection, the following should be considered:
• Do not site your project on a high elevation as this may expose the structure we would build on it to damage from strong winds and other natural distorter.
• Avoid locating your poultry farm in a swampy area as this may endanger proper management if the project is located at the bottom of the valley.
• When designing poultry farm you must put cardinal point into consideration in conjunction with direction of winds.
The importance of the above mention point can never be over emphasis as this may lead to error of gross magnitude if ignored. For an idea of why you should consider the above point seriously, a brooder house sited with the long axis facing the east and west will be risking re-occurrence of gumboro disease because of the excessive heat load that will be generated within the house. Also if sited in swamp, you risk flooding whenever there is rain. As for the issue of wind direction, it not only damage structure it may also help in spreading disease outbreak among the birds. This in turn may take its toll on the output of the poultry at harvest time leading to shortage.

Housing Construction
emember that saying, “You can’t eat your flakes and have it.” If you provide your chickens with good housing, they will respond with increase in production and consequently this will increase your profit.

The first basic step you need to take is to provide the chicken/birds with shade provided by the house. Allow adequate pace per birds to allow for healthy environment for the birds.the house should also be properly ventilated. The type of house that is usually most suitable for layer rearing is the open sided. Such houses are often constructed with solid base wall of about 1-2 layer concrete block coaches of 6 inches. The other sides are open sided with ¼ wire mesh with controllable curtains and height of about 4.5m. Make sure the door to your poultry house open outwards and not inward to avoid causing injury to birds. There should also be a space between the gate to your poultry house and poultry house itself.

When constructing the poultry house, the following guidelines are useful for spacing purpose.

Ages of chicken in weeks
Floor space requirement
0 to 6 0.13 t0 0.54 sq ft/bird
(0.0123 to 0.05m^2/bird)
6 to 12 0.54 to 0.8 sqft/bird
(0.05 to 0.08 m^2/bird)
Point of lay 1.08 to 3.2sqft /bird
(0.05 to 1.45m^2/bird)

Please do note that this is approximation only. You should apply common senses when building poultry houses. Know the number of birds you want to stock and use the table above to check how much land space is required. From there apply your own common senses and construct the building. Remember during your construction that soil topography is considered by choosing a level ground to avoid flood gushing into the housing from sides as this will pose serious danger to deep liter system management. Make a concrete base for the house to avoid predators digging and entering the house. It will also prevent deep liter system from become wet too quickly.

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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Poultry Housing
Types Of Poultry Housing
Site Selection And Poultry House Construction

Friday, November 11, 2011

Types of Housing for Poultry farming

Types of Housing for Poultry farming
The poultry housing and method of feeding are diversify. In my own opinion there are only two methods. other sources had laid claim to their own definitions of poultry housing, yet I will only list the two methods in my own opinion and discuss the very one I will be applying in the small scale poultry farming for this short course which is also applicable for a commercial purposes.
The two types in my own opinion is:

1. Free range
2. Intensive range

Free range
is the case where the hens are allowed to roam freely and fetch for themselves what they eat and drink. Although, the popular practice is to feed the flocks in the morning in the open air with water also located where they can drink easily. For all I know, whether the space the chickens ranged are fenced, backyard or widely open, the flocks range free that’s my opinion. Why I emphasis this is because you will come across so many argument on ranging free with terms like free range, yard range and many more. Free range, however have it’s advantage and disadvantages to include laws acclaimed around the production of egg and meat regulating the supply. The hens/birds are free during the day to range free and will return to their housing at night. It could be a ban, on a tree or a wooden cage. For those laying eggs among the hen, they lay in nest they make for themselves or in basket if provided by the farmer. The free range chickens are able to exercise freely and they also do have stronger legs compare to intensive method. This form of rearing of chicken and other birds is more of traditional method in my own opinion.

Intensive method:
This method is more appealing for both small scale and large scale farming. This is the act of confining the hen /birds to a housing with controlled atmosphere, provision of feeding materials, drinking and everything to make the chicken comfortable. This method is far more expensive compared to free range in that the chickens are catered for and are even referred to as babies. Their housing is giving special consideration and this is what we will be looking at in our next topic. This type of method for raising livestock’s is has very high advantage over the free range method. The chickens reared under this method grow faster than (as much as thrice) the free range method. You are able to control so many conditions affecting the flocks. It is also a better method in my own opinion if you will be investing in poultry farming as this will help you get quick return on investment and maximize profit. However, this type of method also have it’s disadvantages. In our next lesson we will look at intensive method practically. How it should be built for brooding and its expansion when the chickens grows.

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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Poultry Housing
Types Of Poultry Housing

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poultry Housing

Poultry housing is a very important aspect of poultry farming. Just as the saying says, "as you lay your bed as you lay on it.". If you want to expect a better output when the chicken have grown for eggs or meat production, you must begin your poultry farming with a very good housing for the chicken.
 A good poultry house protects the birds from the elements (weather), predators, injury and theft. The housing must also provide a stable environment in which the birds feel "comfortable" during the day and at night, are protected against potential predators, and are provided with secure nesting boxes.
The location of your poultry is also very important especially when it is large scale. It is pertinent to note that that The longest length of your poultry house should align to the north - south direction. this will help in reduction of heat across the poultry housing. High heat can lead to disease amongst the bird and also causes panting. A thumb rule the longest length of your poultry housing should not face the rising of the sun.
Now to begin your poultry housing construction, you must put geographic condition of the area where the poultry will be sited into consideration. The land must be flat. It must not be damp area. Build the chicken house on higher, well-drained areas in order to prevent prolonged dampness and water saturation of the floor and outside areas. If necessary construct drainage channels and ditches to allow heavy rain to drain away quickly or prevent water flooding into the area. Allowing an adequate level of space per bird also helps keep the humidity level inside an enclosed chicken house to a minimum.

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About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Poultry Housing
Types Of Poultry Housing

About The Poultry Farming And You Blog

Most blogs or webpages about poultry farming doesn’t go into details. They tend to treat the whole topic under one page. But this blog, The Poultry Farming and You is dedicated to the in and out of poultry farming especially the chicken aspect. It will teach beginners from A –Z what is involved and will also serve as a reminder and updater to already established professional in the business. It’s a blog with growing pages that will treat each topic concerning poultry farming on a separate page. It will also be kept short to allow ease in learning. Pictorial explanations will be added later.
Because I value your opinion, Please feel free to add your comment in the comment box provided. I will also want to implore you not to be offended if your comment is deleted if found to be off topic.
Overview Of Poultry Farming
Poultry farming could be described as the practice of rearing of birds for the purpose of meat or egg production. The birds can be chicken, Turkeys, geese or Ducks.

Millions of birds are been raised for the purpose of egg and meat productions around the world. In fact Poultry product accounts for larger percentage of our daily protein found in our diets. The most popular amongst poultry farming is chicken rearing. Although I haven"t carried out a world wide research but chicken rearing appears to be most exploited in the poultry farming world. Chicken Poultry farming for eggs and meat is the most popular in Nigeria compared to other birds of poultry.
This blog therefore will teach beginners or those willing to go into poultry business how to do poultry farming both for small scale and commercial farming.
Part of what we will talking about will include brooding of chicken from day one, proper selection and egg production.
The economical advantage of poultry farming, the risk and gain will also be treated in detail. All practical methods at my disposal shall be discussed as the pages of this blog increases. Keep in touch

Table Of Content

About The Poultry farming And You Blog

Poultry Housing

Types Of Poultry Housing

Other Topics